NIIP Vision:
Our Vision Statements describe how we will carry out our Mission. They define what we will do, and act to define the boundaries and focus of our organizational Mission.
A key characteristic of our Mission is partnership. and our Vision Statement incorporates it in several ways.
A primary part of our vision is to create partnerships with people in the United States, where fund raising is a major part of that work. However, we will have some people who go to North India to work side by side with our Indian partners, typically in a short-term event. We also encourage people to partner with us in prayer. As a result, we seek to:
- Develop partnerships between people in the USA (and beyond) and Christian leaders and ministries in North India. These partnerships will involve prayer, providing financial support for ministry, and direct participation in ministry with our Indian Partners.
Another characteristic of our Vision is that we work through Indigenous (local Indian) individuals and organizations. NIIP seeks to help Indians with their work, so we:
- Partner with local Christian churches and leaders, providing resources to enable them to have a greater impact.
It only seems natural that the characteristic of partnership be extended internally, between our local Indian Partners. This is consistent with the concept of the Body of Christ having different members (i.e., unique gifts and abilities). We work best when we work together. Also, we want to promote unity within the Body of Christ, rather than competition. We seek to:
- Promote partnership and networking between Christian Churches and leaders in North India, with the goal of furthering the work of the Kingdom of God (John 17:21), leveraging the unique gifts of each.
Throughout scripture we are told about God’s love for the poor, needy, and oppressed. Isaiah 58 and 61 are excellent examples, as well as Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 25. This is a natural outcome as we seek to follow Jesus. North India has much need in this area, so we seek to:
- Share God’s love for the poor and oppressed by providing resources to help improve their situation in life.
We realize that there are people who lack advocacy, which results in them having even greater need. We also realize that these groups have needs that are unique to them, so we need to be intentional in determining how we provide aid to them. With this in mind, we seek to:
- Develop ministry programs for those who are lacking advocacy because their age, gender, or socio-economic position in society.
In Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to make “disciples of the nations.” All too often, this has been interpreted merely as a call to “evangelize” or “make converts.” Yet, Jesus’ own life and teachings went beyond religious or national boundaries. He promoted a way of life, a way of thinking, and a way of serving that touches all those around us. He summed it up in the command to love God and to love our neighbors (and enemies). All of this comes out of God’s transforming love working in our own lives. NIIP’s vision is more than benevolence work. It includes education, so people can have hope for their future. As a result, we seek to:
- Promote individual discipleship by leading people into a transforming love relationship with Jesus Christ, and provide guidance to help them incorporate His teachings into their life.
A key component of our educational vision is leadership development. This needs to include elements of literacy training if you are seeking to raise up leaders amongst the poor. It is also easier to work through the local people than to send people who are not familiar with the culture and language. Leadership development is also a major way we move the work into the future, so we seek to:
- To assist in the development of Christian leaders, especially among the poor and less educated.